Creative Minds: A Women’s Workshop & Retreat
A 3-day workshop and retreat for women creatives to get together with other artists and spend time both being productive and having fun!
During this time together, we will have loosely structured sessions on both creative and business brainstorming, a workshop where we are guided by another artist and their craft, and time to work on your own craft while in a constructive and supportive environment. Options for yoga (donations welcome) and breakfast will be included in your stay.
Schedule as follows (subject to change):
5:30pm-6:45pm Yoga
7:30pm Art documentary and popcorn
(Bring your own dinner or come fed)
8:00am-10:00am Breakfast and Brainstorm Session (The Creative Process- a time for us to talk about our own process, get feedback, critiques and ideas on our craft)
10:00am-11:00am Yoga
11:30am-1:00pm Lunch break in town
1:00-3:30 Create!
3:30-5 Happy Hour Sip & Paint (BYOB)
5:00pm Dinner at Wise Pines ($15/person-cash or credit on site)
8:00am-10:00am Breakfast and Brainstorm (The Business Side of Art- bouncing ideas off of each other, sharing tips, sharing where your business is going this year.)
10:00am Yoga
11:00-12:00+ Create
12:00 Optional lunch and adventure outing
Cost of Registration: Lodging cost only +$15 for dinner option on Thursday.
**To register: Make your lodging accommodation and send us an email saying that you are a Creative Mind, what your craft is, share your website/social media if possible, and let us know if you are interested in dinner on Thursday.**