(802) 432-3126 wisepines@gmail.com

Candlelit Yoga – Gentle & Restorative

Join Tara for a peaceful evening practice as you allow yourself time to pause…. to breathe… to release… and to simply ‘BE.’

Within you, there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat and be yourself.” – Herman Hesse

Experience the natural healing power of a gentle, restorative yoga session. Support of props allows us to fully surrender, calming the nervous system and stilling the mind. Deeply held tension in the body is released allowing space for rejuvenation.

No experience is needed; all levels are welcome.

Note: Dress comfortably for ease of movement. Feel free to bring your own blankets and bolsters/cushions/yoga mats. Yoga mats and props will be available for use at the studio.

When: Fridays 5:00-6:00. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before class begins.

Location: 184 Hartland Hill Rd. The yoga studio is in the lodge (the brown building at the bottom of the gravel drive, see map to the right →). We have a long driveway that have some steep parts! Take note of this for wintery/Muddy conditions, 4WD/AWD/appropriate tires are suggested, seasonally. The studio is on the 2nd floor and is not handicapped accessible.

Parking: Find parking in the designated parking areas indicated by “Guest Parking” signs or park in front of the lodge where the yoga studio is located. PLEASE do not block the roadway. PLEASE BE CAUTIOUS of wintery conditions.

Cost: $15/ 1 class or $30/ 3 classes, cash or venmo. Please pay Tara upon arrival.


Contact Tara with questions:
tara999@me.com, (609) 651-6811



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1 Comment

  1. Meaghan Yuska

    Looking forward to it.


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